It’s Never Too Early to Start Good
Oral Health Habits!
Even the tiniest teeth can show signs of decay and in some cases, your pediatrician may refer you to see a pediatric dentist. At Lane & Associates Family Dentistry, we can help as we now offer pediatric dentistry services. Dr. Tori Gill, our Pediatric Dentist, has provided her recommendations/habits to practice as you begin your child’s dental health journey.
Rubbing your child’s gums and wiping your infant’s teeth with a soft cloth or gauze pad can go a long way before they begin with a toothbrush. This should be done after every feeding. Ease the pain of teething with a damp gauze pad or cool teething ring. Healthy gums produce healthy baby teeth! After the first tooth, use a very small amount of fluoride toothpaste (about the size of a single rice grain) and gently brush with a baby toothbrush.
- Once your child turns three, you can increase the amount of toothpaste to the size of a pea. Encourage your child to spit out the toothpaste after brushing. However, swallowing the appropriate amount is not unsafe for a child. The lower two front teeth are usually the first to erupt; between 6-12 months. Dental visits should start no later than the first birthday with 6-month checkups. All 20 baby teeth should erupt by age 3.
- A healthy diet & avoiding sugary drinks will help keep your child’s smile bright! Be sure your children are brushing and flossing for two minutes, two times per day! Parents can begin helping with flossing their children’s teeth, especially when any two teeth are touching. For brushing instructions be sure to reference the infographic below.
- Eruption of permanent teeth typically starts from ages 6 to 7. Their upper and lower first molars are among the first permanent teeth. Third molars (also known as wisdom teeth) are the last to erupt around the ages of 17 to 21.
Dr. Tori Gill’s
Guide to Your Child’s Dental Health
Take a look at this handy infographic that explains the timeline and steps of your Child’s dental health beginnings. Click on the image below to view a larger version.
At Lane Kids! We’re Here to Help
Guide Your Child Towards Great Dental Health
At Lane and Associates Family Dentistry, we are here to help during your child’s smile journey! To learn more about all of our Kids Dentistry services, visit us at or call us at 877-LANEDDS (526-3337).