Root Canal Treatment in North Carolina

Process of a root canal treatment

Root canal treatment (also referred to as endodontic therapy) is offered to Lane & Associates patients with a high level of tooth decay or infection in Raleigh, Durham, Cary, and surrounding areas. Today’s root canal procedure involves minimal pain and can be done in one to several office visits.

A root canal is used to treat a tooth when the pulp or nerve in the tooth has become permanently damaged by infection (typically bacterial) or trauma. If left untreated, damaged and decayed pulp will eventually die. If this necrotic pulp works its way into the jawbone, it can form an abscess or even a painful infection. Root canals on crowded teeth are a common reason that this procedure is done. Your dentist will have to determine whether or not you are able to receive the procedure.

The best way to prevent serious infection from necrotic pulp is with root canal treatment (also called endodontic therapy) delivered by our endodontists throughout the Triangle.

What to Expect From Your Root Canal Procedure

In the past, root canals have had a bad reputation. However, these days, a root canal procedure involves minimal pain, and most patients are able to continue with their normal activities immediately following the procedure.

Step 1.

When you come into Lane & Associates for a root canal, we’ll begin by numbing your tooth and surrounding areas to ensure your comfort throughout the entire procedure.

Step 2.

Next, we’ll place a rubber dam on your tooth to isolate it from the rest of your teeth and prevent salivary contamination. Once we’ve isolated the infected tooth, we’ll use a dental handpiece to delicately remove the dead pulp.

Step 3.

Finally, we’ll shape, disinfect and fill your tooth with an inert material.

Please note that our root canal procedure may require several appointments, depending on the tooth and amount of infection present.

Request a Root Canal in NC

To request an appointment with Lane & Associates’ root canal specialists (Endodontist) in North Carolina, give us a call at 1-877-526-3337contact us online, or find the location nearest you. Whatever your dental needs, we look forward to serving you.

Lane & Associates offers root canal therapy for individuals and families across the Triangle of North Carolina. Visit any of our dental offices across North Carolina or request your appointment below!

Request An Appointment

Happy Holidays, From Our Family To Yours!

Our offices will be closed from December 24th through December 29th to celebrate the holidays. We’ll be back and ready to assist you on Monday, December 30th.

We wish you a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!