LAA Run the Canes 5k

PNC Canes Walk

The 9th annual Canes 5k took place at the PNC Arena on September 18th.  People from across the triangle gathered to race and show support for the Canes Foundation.  Lane and Associates were among many organizations there to show support.

The LAA crew arrived to the PNC Arena around 8am. After being greeted with bright smiling faces, PNC blasted music to get everyone pumped.  The crowd was vibrant, and participants began to fill the stadium, painting the arena red with their complimentary Canes 5k tees.  As the time approached for the race to begin, PNC kept the energy high by introducing players from the Carolina Hurricanes. The cheers sent a huge wave of joy throughout the crowd.  This was the perfect segue to begin the race.

Time to Race

PNC concluded the morning warm up, and participants began to line up at the starting line to begin the race.  The whistle blew and everyone started pacing themselves to complete their 5k journey.  The course was strategically mapped with checkpoints staffed by volunteers cheering contestants on and keeping the momentum high.

The Final Stretch

After some time the runners began trickling in to the finish line.  During the final stretch you could see a burst of energy overcome each participant as they approached the finish line.  After each runner crossed the finish line, their hands flew in the air and huge smiles of accomplishment beamed across their faces. At the race’s conclusion a sense of euphoria rushed across the crowd as everyone completed their own personal 5k journey.

In conclusion,  with the help of each and every participant The Canes Foundation was able to raise $50,000 to help provide funding to children’s nonprofits with a health or education focus throughout North Carolina.  Lane and Associates is proud to support its community and give back!  We appreciate the Carolina Hurricanes for their continuous efforts to service their own stomping grounds, and look forward to more community events.

Lane Employees smiling in blue tutus

At Lane and Associates Family Dentistry, we are here to help you during your smile journey! To learn more about all of our dental services, visit us at or call us at 877-LANEDDS (526-3337)At Lane and Associates Family Dentistry, We Love to Make You Smile!
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Happy Holidays, From Our Family To Yours!

Our offices will be closed from December 24th through December 29th to celebrate the holidays. We’ll be back and ready to assist you on Monday, December 30th.

We wish you a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!