Patients who wear dentures often wonder when they should keep them in and when they should take them out. Generally, dentures should be taken out of the mouth at times to give the gums, cheeks, and tongue a break from the pressure of the dentures being in place. It also gives your tissues time to breathe and heal.

While sleeping, you will not be using your dentures so it’s best to remove them at night. This is a perfect time to allow your gums and mouth to rest, reducing the risk of irritation. Furthermore, it gives you time to clean your dentures nightly, which will help keep them in great shape.

Where Should You Put Your Dentures At Night?

A great place to store your dentures while you’re sleeping is in a fresh container of water. Whether you fill up a glass or bowl of water, letting your dentures soak is a great option.

This helps your dentures last longer as it keeps the denture material from drying out and becoming brittle. When you put your dentures in water at night, make sure to keep it away from children and pets.

It is essential to remember that dentures are not considered a permanent piece of your mouth, so removing them for an extended period of time every day will help keep them in good condition. Plus, this helps your gums stay healthy and allows for proper cleaning. If you have any further questions about removing your dentures at night, be sure to speak with your dentist for more information and advice.

Can You Sleep With Dentures In?

While it is not recommended to sleep with dentures in, if you forget to take them out before going to sleep for some reason, it isn’t the end of the world.

dentures and partials laid on white surface

To remind yourself to take your dentures out each night, it is recommended that you put a container of water at the sink where you brush your teeth before bed. This can help you remember to soak your dentures.

In addition, make sure that you’re checking your dentures every few months for signs of wear and tear. Doing so will ensure they stay comfortable and in good condition!

Can Your Dentures Be Permanent?

An instance where you would sleep with your dentures in is if you get permanent dentures. This type of denture is snapped into place by the dentist and cannot be removed.

The downside to permanent dentures is that they are not as easy to clean and can lead to gum irritation if not cared for properly. If you choose this option, it’s important to practice good oral hygiene habits and visit your dentist regularly.

Overall, removing your dentures at night is highly recommended in order to keep them in good condition and allow your gums time to rest. If you have any questions or concerns, speak with your dentist for more advice specific to your situation.

Contact Lane and Associates Today!

If you live in North Carolina and are having issues with your dentures or you feel that you need to get new dentures, contact Lane and Associates today! Our experienced staff can help provide you with the information and comfort you need when it comes to dentures.

Call us today for more information about our services! We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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If you have recently gotten dental implants and are experiencing pain in the area, you may be wondering what the issue is. Has your dental implant gotten a cavity?

Due to a dental implants composition of metal and porcelain, you can’t get a cavity in an implant. There are other ways that your dental implant may be causing pain and need to be removed such as infection, but you will not get cavities in an implant.

In this article we will discuss what dental implants are and how they are not susceptible to cavities.

What are Cavities?

Cavities occur when bacteria in your mouth produce acid that erodes the enamel of your tooth. Over time, these bacteria can spread and cause further damage to the dentin layer beneath the enamel of your natural teeth.

Cavities are a common dental issue, but they only affect natural teeth, not dental implants. As mentioned before, this is due to the fact that implants replace your entire tooth with metal and porcelain, which is not susceptible to cavities.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a permanent solution for replacing missing or damaged teeth. They consist of three basic parts: the implant post, abutment, and crown. The implant post is a titanium rod that is inserted into your jawbone during surgery. The abutment is a piece that connects the implant post to the crown, and the crown is a porcelain or ceramic restoration that looks just like a natural tooth.

dentist holding x ray up to patient

The titanium rod of an implant creates a permanent bond with your jawbone which makes them very sturdy and long-lasting. Because of this bond, they are not susceptible to cavities like natural teeth are.

Can a Dental Implant Fail?

One of the main ways that you may need to have a dental implant replaced or removed is if the implant is rejected by your body. This may be the case if your implant has become infected. This can happen due to a lack of good oral hygiene, or if bacteria was present when the dental implant was inserted.

Another way that a dental implant can fail is if it does not integrate properly with your jawbone. This occurs when the metal post of the dental implant fails to bond strongly enough with the jawbone and starts to loosen over time.

Lastly, if the implant is placed in incorrect position it can fail to work properly and cause pain or discomfort.


Dental implants are a great option for those who are missing or have damaged teeth, as they provide a permanent solution that is not susceptible to cavities. While some other issues may arise with dental implants such as infection and gingival recession, you can rest assured knowing that your implant will not get a cavity. Be sure to practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly in order to keep your dental implant healthy.

Contact Lane and Associates Today!

If you’re located in North Carolina and are looking for a reputable dentist to install your dental implant, look no further than Lane and Associates. Our experienced team of dentists specialize in all types of dental care including implants, crowns, bridges and more. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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After you have completed Invisalign treatment, you will have achieved a straighter smile. However, after treatment is complete, it is important to continue with an appropriate oral health regimen in order to ensure that your teeth remain straight and healthy. Regularly brushing and flossing your teeth, as well as scheduling regular visits to the dentist for cleaning and checkups are essential for maintaining your new smile.

Invisalign is designed to move teeth in a gradual and controlled manner, giving you the opportunity to adjust your smile gradually over time. However, it is possible for your teeth to slowly shift out of alignment again especially if you don’t wear any kind of retainer after completing your Invisalign treatment.

How Fast Do Teeth Shift Out of Alignment?

Dentists recommend that you wear a retainer after your Invisalign treatment is completed. This is because your teeth can shift around over time unless they are held in place by a retainer.

If you don’t wear a retainer, your teeth may shift out of alignment a bit over time. This can happen as soon as a few weeks after Invisalign treatment is completed, or it could take several months. It depends on the individual’s genetics and lifestyle habits such as nail-biting and teeth grinding.

In most cases that teeth start to shift after Invisalign, it will take several years before you can begin to notice changes in your smile.

Can Your Teeth Stay Straight Without Wearing A Retainer?

While it is possible for your teeth to stay very straight for a long time after Invisalign treatment, you will get the most satisfying results if you wear a retainer for the amount of time specified by your dentist. This will help to keep your teeth in their new positions and prevent any further shifting.

It is also important to remember that even if you wear a retainer after completing Invisalign treatment, your teeth may still move slightly over time. This is perfectly normal and wearing a retainer can help slow down this process.

How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Take?

Invisalign treatment can take anywhere between 6 and 24 months depending on how severely your smile needs to be adjusted. This is why it is so important to wear your retainer after completing your Invisalign treatment. Wearing a retainer will help ensure that your teeth remain in their new, straight positions for as long as possible.

In conclusion, Invisalign doesn’t permanently straighten teeth but can help keep your teeth straighter for longer when combined with wearing a retainer to keep the teeth in place. It is important to understand that even with wearing a retainer after treatment, your teeth may still slowly shift over time, so it is important to go for regular dental check-ups in order to monitor your teeth and make sure they are straight

Contact Lane and Associates Family Dentistry Today!

If you’re located in North Carolina and are looking for a trusted dentist that can help you with Invisalign treatment and retainers, contact Lane and Associates Family Dentistry today. Our team of experienced dentists is dedicated to helping you achieve your dream smile with the latest in dental technology. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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It can be common to get canker sores in your mouth when you have traditional metal braces. Canker sores are small, painful ulcers that can develop on the inside of your cheeks and lips. They are not contagious, but can be very uncomfortable and make eating and speaking difficult.boy with braces smiling black and white

Canker sores may be caused by braces because they can rub against the mouth, creating irritation or even cuts in the tissue. This can make the area vulnerable to infection, which can lead to the development of canker sores. Additionally, braces require extra cleaning, which may involve strong chemical solutions and brushing with a brush that is too hard. This can also irritate tissue in the mouth, leading to the formation of canker sores.

How Long Do Canker Sores From Braces Last?

If your braces are irritating the tissue inside your mouth, you may develop a canker sore in your mouth. Your canker sores should start to heal within a couple of weeks once the irritation has been addressed. However, if the irritation continues, it could take longer for the canker sores to completely go away.

How Can I Prevent Canker Sores From Braces?

To prevent canker sores from forming due to braces, you should take steps to reduce irritation and keep the area clean. Make sure that you are brushing your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and using a fluoride toothpaste. You should also use an antibacterial mouth rinse after eating or drinking sugary foods.

Many times, canker sores are caused by your lips getting caught in certain parts of your braces. If you notice that a certain part of your mouth gets canker sores more often than others, you can use orthodontic wax to smooth out the area that is snagging.

How to Get Rid of Canker Sores From Braces?

There are several over the counter medications that are designed to help with canker sore pain and healing. These include numbing agents like benzocaine, as well as antimicrobial or antiseptic mouthwashes that can reduce inflammation and kill bacteria. Additionally, there are creams available that contain a mix of vitamins and minerals that may help speed up the healing process.

Alternative to Metal Braces

If you’re looking for an alternative to metal braces that doesn’t cause canker sores and other complications, consider Invisalign or clear braces. These types of braces are made from a transparent plastic material and fit over your teeth like a mouthguard, so they don’t rub against your gums or other tissue in the mouth. Additionally, Invisalign is removable and can be taken out for easy cleaning and eating.

Contact Lane and Associates!

If you would like to learn more about Invisalign treatment, contact Lane and Associates for a consultation. Our experienced orthodontists can provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about your oral health. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Invisalign treatment can take anywhere from 6 months to 24 months, depending on the severity of your case. Most patients will start seeing noticeable changes in their smile around the four-month mark although you may start seeing changes much sooner. Results will become more visible as the aligners move teeth into place and straighten your smile.

Invisalign consultation

In some cases, you may notice minor changes in your smile after just a few weeks of treatment. These changes will become more noticeable as you continue with treatment and switch to new sets of aligners. Invisalign can give you a straighter, beautiful smile in less time than traditional braces – but it’s important to follow your dentist or orthodontist’s instructions to ensure you get the best results in the shortest amount of time.

How Long Does The Entire Process Take?

Invisalign can take anywhere from 6 months to 24 months, depending on the severity of your case. Your orthodontist will be able to provide more accurate timelines after examining you and diagnosing your smile issue. The average Invisalign treatment time ranges from 12-18 months, but this timeline can vary greatly by patient.

Your dentist may also be able to give you a better idea of your treatment timeline. As with any other form of orthodontic treatment, the more closely you follow your orthodontist’s instructions and attend regular check-ups, the faster your results will be.

What if You Don’t Notice any Changes From Invisalign?

You will most likely see a difference in your teeth alignment after four or more months of wearing Invisalign trays. Your teeth will most likely be shifting even if you cannot tell right away. Because you are looking at your teeth everyday in the mirror, it will be difficult to see the small changes that are happening. It is possible to tell if your teeth have shifted by taking pictures of your smile before and after the treatment.

If you do not notice any changes in your smile after a few months, it’s important to contact your dentist or orthodontist. They can assess how your treatment is progressing and make any necessary adjustments to ensure you get the best outcome from your Invisalign treatment. With consistent use of Invisalign aligners and regular check-ups with your dentist or orthodontist, you can have a straight, beautiful smile in no time!

Visit Lane and Associates For Invisalign Treatment

If you live in North Carolina and you’re looking for a dentist that offers Invisalign, look no further than Lane and Associates. Our orthodontists are highly trained and experienced in providing Invisalign treatment to help you achieve your ideal smile. We provide a personalized approach to care and will work with you every step of the way to ensure you get the best results possible. Contact us today to learn more about Invisalign and to schedule an appointment!

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Invisalign aligners are made from a strong, medical-grade plastic that is designed to move your teeth into their ideal positions. When you are wearing Invisalign aligners it is important to be careful with what you drink as some beverages can cause the aligner to warp or discolor.

It is generally safe to drink water and other clear, non-carbonated beverages while wearing Invisalign. However, to ensure your aligners stay in their best shape you should avoid sugary or acidic drinks like soda, juice, sports drinks and energy drinks. All of these can easily discolor the aligner or cause warping which can lead to problems with getting your ideal smile.

It is also important to avoid coffee, tea and wine because these can stain the aligners. Additionally, if you are drinking hot beverages such as coffee or tea, it is best to wait until they cool down before taking a sip. This will help protect your aligners from warping due to sudden temperature changes.

Can you Drink Through a Straw with Invisalign?

If you are drinking something other than water, it would be best to simply take out your Invisalign trays to ensure that they don’t get damaged. However, if you are in a pinch and don’t have time to take out your aligners, it would be better to drink through a straw. This will reduce the amount of contact your drink has with the aligners, minimizing any potential damage.

In addition to being careful about what you drink and how you consume it, it is important to brush your teeth after every meal and drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your mouth clean and healthy. If you do happen to drink a sugary drink with your aligners in, it would help to take a drink of water afterwards so the sugar is not sitting on your teeth.

Should You Eat With Invisalign?

You definitely shouldn’t eat with your Invisalign trays in so it is best to take them out when you drink something other than water. You want to keep your Invisalign aligners in the best shape possible so they can work their magic in straightening your teeth.

If you follow these tips and take care of your aligners, you should be able to enjoy a variety of drinks while wearing Invisalign without worrying about damaging them. Taking out your aligners during meals is also recommended as it will help to protect your aligners from debris and minimize the amount of bacteria in your mouth.

To Conclude

If you can help it, you should remove your Invisalign trays when drinking something other than water. This will help to ensure that your aligners stay in their best shape and won’t become discolored or warped due to acidic and sugary beverages. If you do decide to drink something other than water with your aligners in, be sure to use a straw so that the beverage has minimal contact with them.

Contact Lane and Associates Family Dentistry Today!

If you’re located in North Carolina and are looking for a dentist that can help you with Invisalign, contact Lane and Associates Family Dentistry today. We offer comprehensive dental care services and specialize in Invisalign braces, ensuring that you get the best care possible. Give us a call or visit us online today to schedule an appointment!

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You may have noticed on somebody who is going through Invisalign treatment that there may be a small clear bump on one or more of their teeth. These buttons are commonly used to help with the tooth alignment process.

Invisalign buttons, also called attachments, are small bumps made of a composite resin that are temporarily cemented to the patients teeth. The buttons are used to help with the alignment process as they shift the teeth into the correct positions.

Does Every Patient get Invisalign Buttons?

Not every Invisalign patient will need to get Invisalign buttons. Depending on your individual case, the dentist may decide that it is necessary for you to get them in order to achieve the desired results. If you are advised to get Invisalign buttons, rest assured that they will be placed carefully by a professional and only remain attached until the treatment is complete.

Invisalign consultation

How do Invisalign Buttons Work?

Invisalign buttons are strategically placed on the teeth that need to be shifted or moved. Attachments act as an anchor point for the Invisalign aligners, providing a way for them to grip onto the tooth and make sure they don’t slip off when moving the teeth into place. As the treatment progresses, the buttons will be removed and replaced with new ones in order to keep up with the changing positions of the teeth.

Invisalign buttons are a great way to help achieve desired results for Invisalign treatment. If you have any questions or concerns about how they can benefit your individual case, talk to your dentist!

What Do Invisalign Buttons Fix?

Invisalign buttons are used to shift teeth in a way that the Invisalign trays cannot do by themselves. For example, if you have a tooth that needs to be rotated to fix your smile, it can be aligned more easily with the help of the Invisalign button. The buttons also help guide the trays as they move your teeth into place.

Invisalign buttons can also help with bite issues such as overbites and underbites, as well as crowding or spacing in the mouth. They provide an extra level of precision to ensure that the desired results are achieved.

Can You See Invisalign Buttons?

If you are looking closely for the buttons on your teeth, you will be able to see them. However, they are made of a clear resin which makes them difficult to notice in everyday life. Invisalign buttons blend in with your teeth so they don’t detract from your smile.

Invisalign buttons are an important part of the Invisalign process and can help achieve desired results for many patients.

Contact Lane and Associates For Invisalign Treatment

If you’re located in North Carolina and are looking for a dentist to help you with Invisalign treatment, look no further than Lane and Associates. Our team of experienced dentists and staff are here to make sure that your treatment is a success.

We understand the importance of having a beautiful smile, and our goal is to help every patient achieve their desired results in an efficient and comfortable manner.

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Patients who are worried about their Invisalign trays breaking wonder how easily they break. In general, Invisalign trays are made to be durable and long lasting. However, like anything else, if they are not handled with care, they can break.

How to Prevent Invisalign From Getting Damaged?

There are a few things that patients can do to help avoid breaking their Invisalign trays. First, it is important to avoid biting or chewing on the trays. Second, when removing the trays, be sure to do so gently – avoid yanking or pulling on them. Finally, store the trays in their case when not in use to protect them from getting damaged.

What Should I Do If My Invisalign Tray Gets Damaged?

If a patient does damage their Invisalign tray, the best thing to do is contact their dentist or orthodontist right away. They will be able to advise the patient on what to do next. In some cases, the orthodontist may be able to fix the tray. In other cases, the patient may need to get a new tray.

While a tray can be replaced there are some costs associated with having a new tray made. Not only can it cost you money, it can cost you the time that you are set back after needing a new set of trays made to replace the ones that were broken.

Invisalign consultation

How Much Does it Cost to Replace an Invisalign Tray?

The cost to replace an Invisalign tray will vary depending on the orthodontist and the patient’s insurance. However, in general, patients can expect to pay around $100-$200 per tray. This price may vary by dentist.

Invisalign trays are made specifically for your mouth and are made to slowly shift your teeth into the proper position. Due to the fact that it takes time for your teeth to shift, you cannot go onto the next phase of your Invisalign trays without wearing the current ones for the specified amount of time.

If an Invisalign tray is lost or damaged, you risk having to pay for a new set of trays to be made and holding up the process of your Invisalign treatment. This is why it is so important to take good care of your Invisalign trays and to be careful with them. Additionally, if you damage an Invisalign tray, it is important to contact your orthodontist right away so that they can advise you on what to do next.

Contact Lane and Associates For Invisalign Treatment

If you have not yet started Invisalign treatment but would like to, contact Lane and Associates. We offer a free consultation to discuss Invisalign and whether it is the right treatment for you. We have offices located all around North Carolina and we are sure that we have an office that is conveniently located near you! Our experienced orthodontists will be able to answer any questions that you have about Invisalign treatment.

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Patients who have never worn Invisalign often wonder if having them in affects speech. When you put in Invisalign trays, it may slightly affect your speech. Some refer to this as giving you a lisp as it can be most difficult making the “s” sound.

While Invisalign can make it slightly difficult to say some words, you will eventually use the trays so often that you will get used to them and your speech should go back to normal. If you are concerned about how Invisalign may affect your speech, consult with your dentist.

What Causes You To Have A Lisp with Invisalign?

When you wear Invisalign trays, it can block your tongue from moving the way it is supposed to. This is because the trays fit snugly over your teeth. In order for you to talk properly, your tongue needs to be able to move freely in your mouth.

Invisalign provider logo light aqua and royal blue

If you have a lisp with Invisalign, it should go away after a few days or weeks. This is because you will get used to the trays and learn how to talk with them in. If you are still struggling to talk properly after a few weeks, consult with your dentist.

How Long Will Lisp Last With Invisalign?

After you wear your Invisalign for a few days, you will most likely get used to having them in and your speech should go back to normal. If you find that your lisp persists, consult with your orthodontist as they may be able to make adjustments to your Invisalign.

Can You Avoid a Lisp With Invisalign?

There are a few things that you can do to avoid having a lisp when you first put in your Invisalign. One is to put in the trays right before you go to bed. This way, you will have all night to get used to them while you sleep. Another thing that may help is drinking plenty of water throughout the day. This will help keep your mouth hydrated and may make it easier to talk with the Invisalign in.

If you are concerned about having a lisp when you first start wearing Invisalign, talk to your orthodontist. They will be able to give you tips on how to avoid it or make adjustments to your Invisalign so that it does not affect your speech.

Contact Lane and Associates for Help with Invisalign

If you live in North Carolina and you’re looking for a dentist who can help you with Invisalign, contact Lane and Associates. We have locations all over the state, so finding one near you should be easy. We will be happy to answer any questions that you have about Invisalign and help you get started on your journey to a straighter smile.

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Many dental patients don’t know that Invisalign is not only a cosmetic procedure. The benefits of Invisalign extend much further than giving you straight teeth and the smile that you’ve always wanted.

Invisalign can correct the position of the jaw reducing the occurrence of teeth grinding. Invisalign not only straightens teeth, it also helps to improve the overall bite. This is done by using a series of clear, customized, and removable aligners that gradually move teeth.

How Does Aligning Your Bite Fix Teeth Grinding?

When your bite is misaligned, there can be areas on your teeth that you bite down on with more pressure than others. This uneven pressure can cause your teeth to shift and grind against each other. By aligning your bite, Invisalign can help to evenly distribute the biting force, which can reduce or eliminate teeth grinding.

Should You Get Invisalign if You Grind Your Teeth?

Invisalign could be the solution that you’re looking for when it comes to solving any issues you are having with teeth grinding. You should be sure to consult with a dentist about whether or not Invisalign is the right treatment for you.

Invisalign consultation

There are other treatments for teeth grinding such as wearing a night guard that can be effective. But, if you’re looking for a long-term solution that will not only help to stop teeth grinding but also improve the overall appearance of your smile, Invisalign may be the best option.

How Does Invisalign Work?

The Invisalign process starts with a consultation with your orthodontist. They will take x-rays, pictures, and impressions of your teeth which will be used to create a digital 3D image of them. From there, the orthodontist will be able to map out a precise treatment plan.

You will be given a series of aligners to wear throughout the day and night, except when eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, your teeth will gradually begin to shift into place.

You will need to visit your orthodontist about once every 6-8 weeks to ensure that your treatment is on track. The entire process usually takes about 12-18 months, but this will vary depending on the individual case.

Contact Lane and Associates

If you are located in North Carolina and you are interested in getting Invisalign, contact Lane and Associates Family Dentistry Today! We have several offices located around all of North Carolina. Visit our locations page to find the office closest to you and schedule an appointment with us. We look forward to helping you get the smile that you’ve always wanted!

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