Lane & Associates Family Dentistry Celebrates Administrative Professionals Day!

Lane & Associates Family Dentistry (LAA) along with NC Oral Surgery + Orthodontics (NCOSO) took the opportunity to celebrate our employees this past Wednesday for Administrative Professionals Day!  Administrative Professionals’ Day, also known as Admin Day recognizes the people who keep an office running every day. Administrative workers at all levels are recognized for their hard work behind – and directly in front of – the scenes, making sure things run smoothly throughout the entire company and supporting their staff in any way they can. We know we have the best teams out there and we could not do what we do without them.

Our administrative staff is indispensable and make running our company a lot easier, by doing their jobs so well.” says Dr. Lane.

There are no absolute traditions for Administrative Professionals’ Day but we’ve created our own appreciation culture at LAA! A small yearly tribute to the people who work hard to keep the company running smoothly is the least we can do to show them that we appreciate them and acknowledge just how lost we would be without them. Each administrative staff member received a gift from Dr. and Mrs. Lane. The gift included a branded wristband keychain along with a $25.00 Target gift card.

Employees from multiple offices shared their photos, videos, and thank you messages on social media. We loved seeing how the offices celebrated individually! They truly are the Key to our Success!

Take a look at this fun compilation of employees with their gifts! Does your company celebrate Admin Day? Want to know more about Administrative Professional’s Day? Looking for ideas on how to celebrate? Read the article linked here for information and ideas.

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Prepare Your Child For The Dentist With These Cartoons, Videos and Books

Looking to prepare your child for their first dental visit? At Lane and Associates Family Dentistry, we’re here to help! There are so many resources available to help ease you and your child’s worries of going to the dentist. Below is a complete list of cartoons, videos, and books that our staff has recommended to help you and your child prepare for your first dental visit at Lane and Associates Family Dentistry.

Cartoons & Videos

These cartoons and videos are a fun way for your kids to learn about proper dental hygiene and how to prepare for their dentist appointment.


One of the first things your child needs to understand about going to the dentist is why it’s so important. The video “Why Do We Brush Our Teeth?” explains the importance of dental hygiene. Children must understand why teeth need to be cleaned in order for a trip to the dentist to make sense. This video can also help make establishing a dental hygiene routine at home and daily brushing easier.


In this video, Papa Shark has a toothache but is afraid to go to the dentist. It’s up to little Finny to show him how to be brave. Telling your child the dentist isn’t scary is easy, but demonstrating it to them may be difficult when you face your own fears of the dentist as an adult. Remember that you are the best example your child has and they’re watching everything you do.


Daniel Tiger visits the dentist for the first time and learns all about the tools, plaque, and how the dentist cleans teeth. At the dentist, Daniel Tiger sings “When we do something new, let’s talk about what we’ll do.” Talking through what will happen at the pediatric dentist will make your child feel more relaxed. He even gets toy tools to use on his stuffed animal to feel more comfortable. This is a method you can use to help your child feel more comfortable before a dental cleaning, too.


In this episode, Peppa and George are busy brushing their teeth. They have to go to the dentist today for a checkup and Peppa really doesn’t want to go, but they explain how important it is to visit the Dentist. She agrees and they head out. This is a great example for children who may be apprehensive about their first dental visit.


Younger children (ages 2 – 3 years old) would love this cartoon! Hello Kitty sings why it is important to brush your teeth in a very bubbly way. This would be a great cartoon to play as you teach your child to brush their teeth as well.


The SciShow Kids do a great job of explaining a dental cleaning step-by-step. This video describes what a dental hygienist is and what they do. It shows photos of each of the tools used to clean teeth and demonstrated how they are used with animated clips. This thorough video should help answer any questions your child may have about visiting the dentist.


Instead of a cartoon, this video is provided by an actual pediatric dentist walking through a dental cleaning step-by-step with a patient. The intent of this video was to help children feel more at ease before going to the dentist by knowing exactly what to expect.


This video is an animation narrated by a tooth who describes what it is like to visit the dentist for the first time. It explains what a dentist is and what they do to make sure your teeth are nice and healthy. A great short video to help describe what happens at the dentist.


This is a video for our kids who are Cocomelon fans. This Little Angel Nursery song talks about how not forgetting rot brush and keeping your teeth clean is important. The song walks you through a dental visit and shows you how the dentists are here to help you with the mouth “boo-boo’s” and make you feel better when your teeth or mouth may hurt.


You and your family can sing along with Elmo and some of his celebrity friends as he sings a song about the importance of brushing your teeth.

Recommended Books

These books are great resources to help your child alleviate the fears of going to the dentist.  They help them understand that good dental hygiene and regular trips to the dentist will lead to a healthy smile!


At Lane Kids! We’re Here to Help Guide Your Child Towards Great Dental Health

At Lane and Associates Family Dentistry, we are here to help during your child’s smile journey! To learn more about all of our Kids Dentistry services, visit us at or call us at 877-LANEDDS (526-3337).

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It’s Never Too Early to Start Good
Oral Health Habits!

Even the tiniest teeth can show signs of decay and in some cases, your pediatrician may refer you to see a pediatric dentist. At Lane & Associates Family Dentistry, we can help as we now offer pediatric dentistry services.   Dr. Tori Gill, our Pediatric Dentist, has provided her recommendations/habits to practice as you begin your child’s dental health journey.

  • Dr. Tori Gil at Lane and Associates with Good Oral HealthRubbing your child’s gums and wiping your infant’s teeth with a soft cloth or gauze pad can go a long way before they begin with a toothbrush. This should be done after every feeding. Ease the pain of teething with a damp gauze pad or cool teething ring. Healthy gums produce healthy baby teeth! After the first tooth, use a very small amount of fluoride toothpaste (about the size of a single rice grain) and gently brush with a baby toothbrush.
  • Once your child turns three, you can increase the amount of toothpaste to the size of a pea. Encourage your child to spit out the toothpaste after brushing. However, swallowing the appropriate amount is not unsafe for a child. The lower two front teeth are usually the first to erupt; between 6-12 months. Dental visits should start no later than the first birthday with 6-month checkups. All 20 baby teeth should erupt by age 3.
  • A healthy diet & avoiding sugary drinks will help keep your child’s smile bright! Be sure your children are brushing and flossing for two minutes, two times per day! Parents can begin helping with flossing their children’s teeth, especially when any two teeth are touching. For brushing instructions be sure to reference the infographic below.
  • Eruption of permanent teeth typically starts from ages 6 to 7.  Their upper and lower first molars are among the first permanent teeth. Third molars (also known as wisdom teeth) are the last to erupt around the ages of 17 to 21.

Dr. Tori Gill’s
Guide to Your Child’s Dental Health

Take a look at this handy infographic that explains the timeline and steps of your Child’s dental health beginnings. Click on the image below to view a larger version.

A guide to your child's dental health

At Lane Kids! We’re Here to Help
Guide Your Child Towards Great Dental Health

At Lane and Associates Family Dentistry, we are here to help during your child’s smile journey! To learn more about all of our Kids Dentistry services, visit us at or call us at 877-LANEDDS (526-3337).

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April hosts a multitude of national awareness efforts, including Oral Cancer Awareness Month and National Facial Protection Month. This blog post is dedicated to Stress Awareness Month & Oral Health. Stress can have a significant impact on your oral health, so it is important to identify where you may be behind in your oral hygiene and try to improve.

Coping with stress ranges from person to person, but the common factor is stress can weaken our immune systems and trigger our brains to cope in unhealthy ways. Our unhealthy habits can cause lasting damage and put your oral health at risk.

4 Signs of Stress on Your Oral Health:

  1. signs of stress on oral healthPoor Oral Hygiene: It’s easy to find yourself slacking on your oral hygiene routine when you’re stressed. You may find yourself brushing only once every day, if at all, or skipping flossing altogether. This of course can lead to plaque buildup, tooth decay, cavities, and potentially tooth loss.
  2. Dry Mouth: Excessive stress can lead to less saliva being produced and you may not be hydrating as you should. Saliva production is necessary to keep our teeth moist, re-mineralize tooth enamel, and fight bacteria. Having dry mouth can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
  3. Teeth Grinding: I’m sure we all know someone who grinds their teeth due to anxiety or stress or maybe in their sleep. This is also known as bruxism. It can cause wear and tear on your teeth to the point you may chip or maybe even lose your teeth. Bruxism can also lead to tooth sensitivity or even headaches.
  4. Clenched Jaw: When you experience constant muscle tension in your jaw from chronic stress, it can cause temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). TMJ causes pain in your jaw and around your ears and may lead to difficulty opening your mouth or chewing.

If you’re enduring high levels of stress, it’s super important to keep up with your bi-annual dental visits so that we can help to monitor and manage any impacts stress is having on your oral health.

If you can remove the source of stress from your life, that’s the best way to fend off its negative effects of it. However, if that’s not entirely possible, then turning to healthy habits like yoga, meditation, journaling or exercising can help to reduce tension.

Of course, we are always here and can recommend specific treatment based on what we see during an oral health evaluation!

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What’s Happening at LAA? 

Stormy outside Lane and Associates Wake Forest Road Office

We had a very special guest at our Wake Forest Road location last week! Stormy, the mascot of the Hurricanes, was here for his annual dental checkup. We had a great time hanging out with Stormy and are so glad that he prioritizes his routine dental care. After all, Lane and Associates is the Official Team Dentist of the Carolina Hurricanes.

Our Wake Forest Road staff always looks forward to seeing Stormy and spending time with him. Dr. Lane, Dr. Wright, and Dr. Bailey had a chance to support our favorite hockey team, GO CANES!

Are you looking to see more about what happened during our visit with Stormy? Well, you’re in luck. You’ll be able to check out Stormy’s visit at Lane and Associates Family Dentistry in our upcoming TV commercial! It will be airing on TV very soon so keep an eye out for it and let us know if you see it.  Tag us on social media (@lanedds) and let us know what you think!

In the meantime, you can check out some behind-the-scenes photos of our filming day here at our Wake Forest Road location.


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Lane Kids Pediatric Dentistry 

Did you know that Lane and Associates Family Dentistry now offers Pediatric Dentistry at our Durham, St. Charles, and Dunn locations! That’s right, LAA offers a complete range of pediatric dental care services that are perfect for your little one.

Our Pediatric Dental Services at Lane Kids Dentistry include dental cleanings, sealants, safe sedation, dental care education, nutrition guidance, and much more. It’s never been easier and more fun for your child’s first dental visit.

Just ask Braxton & Trevor, who recently had their first Pediatric Dental visit with Dr. Tori Gill at our Cary St. Charles dental office.

“The boys had a great time and they really loved the kids’ music, cartoons, and the fun space-themed graphics that decorated the entire office”, said Mom. “Everything, from when we checked-in to when we checked-out was perfect and I loved how we got to enjoy the experience together as a family”.

Braxton added, “It was a great visit, but my favorite part was the treasure box. It had the coolest toys!”

Keep reading for more information on quality Dental Care for Children at Lane and Associates Family Dentistry.

When Should A Child Have Their First Dental Visit?

The American Dental Association and The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry states: A child’s first dental visit should occur within six months after their first baby’s tooth appears, but no later than their first birthday.

Lane & Associates always has you covered with our children’s dental programs that start for children as young as of 6 months. These dental care programs allow us to grow with your child and build out a plan to ensure proper dental care throughout their life!

You can find our Pediatric Dentist, Dr. Gill at the following Lane and Associates locations: Cary St. Charles, Durham Miami Blvd & in Dunn. Schedule your child’s dental appointment today and take the next step towards receiving the best dental care your child deserves.

How To Care for Your Child’s Teeth At Home

To ensure that your child has great oral health from a young age, it is important to stay consistent in cleaning their teeth and even their gums before teeth start to arrive.

You can monitor your child’s oral health even before any baby teeth start to erupt. Many babies don’t start to show teeth until around 6 months. This doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything to care for your child’s oral health from before they even have any teeth.

When your child is between 3-6 months old, you can clean their gums with a soft-bristled infant toothbrush to keep their gums healthy. This can also help relieve pain when teeth start to come through their gums.

Once your child reaches 6 months and older, you can start to brush the few teeth that they may have twice a day as well as the gums where teeth haven’t yet come through. Continuing daily brushing is the key to giving your child excellent oral health from a young age.

Once your child reaches 3 years old, it is important to have them learn how to brush their teeth themselves with your assistance. Teaching your child the importance of brushing and how to do it, is a vital part of keeping their teeth and gums healthy.

How Often Should You Brush Your Child’s Teeth?

Brushing your child’s teeth twice a day is key to giving them great oral health as they grow older. Once they have grown old enough to brush their teeth with assistance, have them continue to brush on their own until they are capable of brushing their teeth by themselves.

You can also teach them how to lightly floss their teeth to encourage good habits. Having your child brush their teeth on their own is an important part of keeping their oral health in great shape.

Contact Lane and Associates Family Dentistry Today

Have your child come into our dental office to see one of our accommodating pediatric dentists today! Come visit the Lane and Associates office closest to you to improve your child’s oral health and learn how to properly take care of their teeth.



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World Oral Health Day!

Sunday, March 20th is World Oral Health Day, a day where dental communities unite and bring global awareness to the prevention of oral diseases. It’s time to brush up your own mouth healthy know-how, so this year Lane & Associates Family Dentistry is doing things a little different.

Instead of an ordinary blog post, we’ve decided to highlight a variety of dental communities and their 2022 efforts dedicated to World Oral Health Day! So many organizations have decided to launch week to year long campaigns dedicated to the importance of oral hygiene.

So let’s start with FDI World Dental Federation who organizes, sponsors, and markets World Oral Health Day. Their year long campaign involves national dental associations from around the world with activities in over 130 countries.

Take a look at some of their resources here.

Now let’s take a look at organizations with blogs, much like this one, who are providing resourceful information about World Oral Health Day.

Dentsply Sirona Proudly Supports World Oral Health Day 2022
Nicswell World Oral Health Day 2022
ADA Dental Community Unites for World Oral Health Day
Awareness Days World Oral Health Day 2022
Delta Dental World Oral Health Day 2022
Eduwar World Oral Health Day 2022
Virt World Oral Health Day 2022
National Today World Oral Health Day 2022

Don’t forget to stay connected with World Oral Health Day on Social Media to learn more.
Let’s work together to achieve healthier mouths and healthier lives!

IG: @worldoralhealthday

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MENTAL HEALTH AND physical health are tied together in ways we don’t always expect. That even extends to the relationship between oral health and stress. Fortunately, there are a lot of tools we can use to protect our smiles from the effects of stress.

Stress Could Be Behind a Teeth-Grinding Habit

Bruxism is the habit of teeth-grinding and jaw-clenching. Clenching and grinding are natural responses to frustration and stress for many people. The typical signs of bruxism include a sore jaw and, eventually, flattened chewing surfaces of the teeth. Bruxism brings with it significant oral health risks, and the people with this habit might not even notice they’re doing it — particularly for those who grind their teeth in their sleep.

Stress Can Compound the Symptoms of TMD

Another oral health condition stress can contribute to is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), a disorder of the muscles, joints, and nerves in the jaw that is associated with chronic facial pain. Stress is believed to be one of the factors leading to TMD, which has symptoms like frequent headaches, pain in the jaw joint, and popping and clicking of the jaw.

Stress Weakens the Immune System

A brief period of stress is something the body can deal with pretty well, but chronic stress puts a major strain on the immune system, making it harder to fight off oral health issues like infections, canker sores, dry mouth, gum disease, and cavities.

Make Oral Health and Hygiene a Priority

Considering all the negative effects stress can have, good oral hygiene habits become particularly important. That includes brushing for two minutes twice a day, flossing once a day, and cutting back on sugar intake. Giving your teeth and gums better tools to fight off oral health problems might not be a solution to the stress in your life, but it can help you feel a little better and more in control.

The Dentist Is Your Best Ally

Dental health experts, such as our team, want to help our patients stress less when it comes to their oral health. The idea of going to the dentist can be stressful for a lot of people, but we’re here to help. We encourage you to keep up with your regular dental checkups and keep a prevention mindset when it comes to oral health issues rather than waiting until an issue gets much worse to finally get treatment.

We want to help our patients smile easier AND healthier! Contact our Lane & Associates dentists to schedule an appointment today!

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

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You may have seen the latest Teeth Brightening filter on TikTok and thought, “Hey! That looks great!” But how do we achieve this bright white smile IRL? That’s where we come in!


Step 1: Brush & Floss Your Teeth Regularly

First things first, to achieve a brighter smile, you must be consistently flossing and brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. We mean it! Flossing on a regular basis is scientifically proven to prevent cavities, gum disease, and improve your oral health. So it makes sense that brushing and flossing on a regular basis would improve the discoloration of yellowed teeth and allow for a more radiant smile. 

couple brushing their teeth at same sink

Step 2: Consult Your Dentist About Teeth Whitening Products

Next, scheduling an appointment with your dentist every 6 months is a necessity. Before you can begin using any type of whitening product, you should consult a professional to see if your teeth can handle this treatment. Some people have more tooth sensitivity to teeth whitening products than others. It’s a great way to confirm that this is the best route for your dental journey. 

Your dentist may recommend other cosmetic dentistry options to customize your treatment & achieve these whitening results. These could include porcelain veneers, dental implants, or even cosmetic bonding. 

Professional Teeth Whitening Trays that look like Retainers

Step 3: Choose A Teeth Whitening Product

If your dentist agrees that teeth whitening is a safe option, the next steps are to weigh the pros and cons of different teeth whitening products or treatments on the market. There are thousands of options to choose from. Whitening strips, whitening gels, whitening toothpaste, and even in-house professional teeth whitening systems like Philips Zoom Teeth Whitening. 


Here are some tips on choosing the right teeth whitening product for you:

  1. How sensitive are your teeth to cold? If you answered extremely, you may want to find a teeth whitening system with a lower percentage of hydrogen peroxide or ones that use baking soda or xylitol. It may take longer to whiten your smile but will not be as sensitive to your teeth. 
  2. How fast do you want results? If you answered immediately, you will want to ask your dentist for their in-house whitening systems. Typically a Zoom Whitening Treatment at our office takes less than 2 hours and you emerge with a brighter, whiter smile! This is great for those looking for instant gratification or preparing for a big event (wedding, photoshoot, etc). 
  3. Do you want to whiten at home? Dental whitening trays and strips are available over-the-counter. However, if you want a more customized fit with less agitation on your gum line, we recommend custom whitening trays created by your dental office. 


Finally, select the teeth whitening product that best fits your needs, smile brighter, and never need a TikTok filter again! 


We hope this guide to a brighter healthy smile was helpful. If you are in the North Carolina area and searching for a dentist that offers teeth whitening near you, contact Lane & Associates Family Dentistry today! With over 40 locations across NC, nearly 18 dental insurances accepted, and Free Teeth Whitening for qualifying patients, we can help you on your way to a brighter smile today!

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super bright teeth veneers

If you have missing teeth that you would like a natural looking replacement for, then a dental bridge by the expert dentists of Lane and Associates Family Dentistry could be a safe and affordable tooth replacement. 

The Lane Dentists are available to serve our valued clients every day. They can tell you whether your remaining teeth are healthy enough to support a bridge, and they can also suggest the kind of bridge that’s best for you.

Dental bridges are a suitable restorative procedure in dentistry, and it has several advantages. The first benefit is that it looks like a real tooth. If you want to know more about the appearance of a dental bridge and how it could be the right option for you then read the complete article!

Do Dental Bridges Look Natural?

According to the well-trained and experienced dentists of Lane and Associates Family Dentistry, a dental bridge can accommodate for the loss of real teeth. When a person undergoes dental bridge treatment, the final step of the procedure includes taking the shade of the tooth so that the dental technicians fabricate the dental bridge in a way that it looks natural. The teeth included in the dental bridge are also closely matched with the color of the surrounding teeth. 

The Lane Dentists have the expertise in the provision of dental bridges to clients that looks natural and functions like natural teeth. It helps to improve self-esteem and confidence in patients who feel uneasy about their appearance with missing teeth.

Along with giving a natural look the dental bridges can also offer an advantage in maintaining the long-term structure of the mouth. Many patients go with this treatment option because of the way the dental bridges look and feel in the mouth. If you have recently got dental bridges or are planning to get a fixed dental prosthesis then remember that this time to become accustomed to the feel of the dental bridge.

When you get used to the dental bridge, it is hardly noticeable because it becomes a part of the mouth structure. Always keep in mind that the bridge can be cleaned just like natural teeth by brushing with a toothbrush.

Can you Tell if Someone has a Dental Bridge?

Has your dentist advised you for dental bridgework and you’re worried whether the bridges are noticeable or not? The answer to this query is NO. It is very difficult to find out or tell someone whether they have a dental bridge or real teeth. The only way to tell if someone has a dental bridge is if you tell someone about it. That’s one of the best things about a fixed dental bridge, they look natural and they blend right in.

Woman smiling with bright white teeth next to shades of tooth colors at the dental office

Do Dental Bridges have a Different Color from Natural Teeth?

The dental bridges at Lane and Associates Family Dentistry are made up of different biomaterials such as Zirconia or Ceramic or metal/ceramic combination, or porcelain. Although the quality of the dental biomaterial is different these bridges look similar to the natural teeth color and function the same as real teeth. 

These dental bridges blend with the color of natural teeth so if you are worried about the color of the dental bridge then don’t worry your original smile will be maintained by our expert lane Dentists. 

Does the Material your Bridge is Made of Affect the Look?

The dental bridge at Lane and Associates Family, Dentistry is made of several different types of material, including gold, alloys, zirconium, or porcelain. The material of the dental bridge does affect the look of the dental bridge in some cases for example zirconium is an expensive material so it looks exactly like an original tooth.

If you are looking for dental teeth replacement options then remember that porcelain is most often the material of choice for a dental bridge because it can be matched to your natural tooth color.

PFM also look like a natural tooth with the longevity of metal and matching the color with the adjacent teeth. Gold is another strongest material for dental bridges with wear-resistant benefits. This is a good choice for patients and these are preferred for the back teeth because the color is too noticeable. Porcelain fused to Zirconia is a common material for dental bridges with undeniable cosmetic advantage.

So if you are looking for a different material for your dental bridge then Lane and Associates Family Dentistry is the right place to know about the best suitable option for you. 

Do Dental Bridges Feel Natural?

The answer is yes! Dental Bridges are a cosmetic dentistry procedure used as a perfect alternative to dentures. A dental bridge restores the complete function of teeth in the mouth, particularly in cases when it comes to talking to someone and eating. This kind of teeth replacement option also prevents any further cosmetic problems such as drifting of teeth further apart due to the gap left by the missing teeth.

According to the Lane and Associates cosmetic dentists, the dental bridge should feel nearly as real and comfortable to you as your natural teeth. Many of the patients treated by the Lane Dentists report that their bridges feel even better than the natural teeth did before bridge placement. This occurs in cases when the patients have large fillings or restorations in their teeth.

At Lane and Associates, the dental experts use the same high degree of care when custom-making your bridge. The skilled dentists collaborate closely with our dental laboratory, to ensure the aesthetics are perfect for each patient.

The dental lab affiliated with the Lane and Associates only uses the highest quality materials with advanced technology for the fabrication of prostheses. These dental materials can enunciate the liveliness and translucency found in natural teeth so your new dental bridge will look natural and it will blend in beautifully with your existing teeth. To know more about dental bridges, consult the expert Lane Dentists right away!

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Happy Holidays, From Our Family To Yours!

Our offices will be closed from December 24th through December 29th to celebrate the holidays. We’ll be back and ready to assist you on Monday, December 30th.

We wish you a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!