Dental Outreach Day at LAA

As you know, giving back to our community is an essential priority at Lane & Associates Family Dentistry. We take pride in our communities and giving back to those in need. This past weekend, our dentists and staff at the Cary Green Level office provided a Dental Outreach Day to nearly 15 patients throughout NC performing nearly $15,000 worth of dentistry!

dental outreach day at Lane and Associates Cary

Our LAA Volunteer Team

Of course, we wouldn’t be able to perform these amazing feats without our incredible team! Our volunteer staff included doctors Howard, DesRosiers, Piplani, and Bashir, dental assistants Sarah Benore, Alanna Johnson, Megean Rehm, Genevieve Chase Thomas, Amy Kenagy, and Darlene Rivera, hygienist Dorcas Eason, and office managers Heather Egan and Stephanie Santiago. Take a look at some photos from the event below!

Dental procedures performed ranged from dental cleanings and exams to root canals, extractions, and fillings. Patients traveled from all over North Carolina, even some driving from Greensboro to attend the event. We are so proud of our staff for volunteering their services and giving back to our communities! Thank you for your pure hearts and for sharing your talents!

To see more community outreach at Lane & Associates, visit our Community Involvement page here!

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Last week our Lane & Associates team was proud to join the 13th Annual Tee-Off for the Troops Golf Classic held by Military Missions in Action(MMIA). The event took place at the Bentwoods Golf & Country Club in Fuquay-Varina and was a beautiful day spent golfing and giving back to Veterans with disabilities, members of the Armed Forces, and their families.  

Employees at Golf Classic standing in front of Lane Sign

Dr. Raleigh Wright and marketing team member Lilly Holcomb (shown above) golfed the classic and participated in the competitions along the course. 

Military Missions in Action is dedicated to assisting veterans with disabilities, homeless veterans, members of the Armed forces, and their families. ​​MMIA’s varied programs work at providing support to Veterans who need construction project assistance due to disabilities or sub-standard living conditions and our homeless Veterans. They also send Care Packages to units that are down-range, as well as assist military families that are trying to make ends meet.

Golf team of employees at the MMIA Tee off for Troops
Lane & Associates’ team at the 13th Annual Golf Classic

From the silent auction to the 50/50 raffle to the Red Wagon, the MMIA Golf Classic was a great way to reach its fundraising goal of $150,000. Lane & Associates was proud to be involved and donate to this amazing cause. 

If you would like to learn more about Military Missions in Action, please visit their website. If you would like to see the many causes that LAA supports, please visit our Community Involvement page for more information. 

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Across North Carolina, there is an urgent need for blood donations and Lane & Associates is doing our part to help answer the call. Our offices are honored to be hosting Mobile Blood Drives throughout the month of May and into June. We are excited to be partnering with The Blood Connection, a blood donation organization that specializes in giving back donations to local hospitals within our community.

Watch the video below to learn more about The Blood Connection and why donating blood is so important.


First, we are so happy that you want to become involved! As a blood donor, you will not only be making a difference in someone’s life but you will also be receiving a $20 Gift Card from The Blood Connection and some LAA Swag from us as a gift for donating.

We are accepting online appointment reservations via The Blood Connection website. Here is a complete list of dates for our upcoming blood drives. Each blood drive will run from 1 – 6 PM.

Please click the link on each office location to sign up for an appointment to donate. You will need to create an account with The Blood Connection to sign up.


Girl with mask on giving blood

Have any other questions or need assistance signing up? Please email us at with the subject line “Blood Drive Help: First Name Last Name, Office Location you wish to make an appointment”.

Learn more about Lane & Associates’ Community Work | Visit The Blood Connection Site

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Our staff at Lane & Associates Middlesex is happy to announce our official ribbon-cutting ceremony provided by the Middlesex Mayor, Lu Harvey Lewis!

In honor of the event, we would like to invite all of our Middlesex patients to enjoy FREE DESSERT on us as the Cheesecake-on-a-Stick Food Truck will be parked outside of our building. They are also serving cold brew coffee and water. Furthermore, we will be giving away some Lane and Associates swag and goodie bags to all who stop by!

Middlesex Ribbon cutting invitation

The Middlesex Lane and Associates Family Dentistry Ribbon Cutting will be held on Tuesday, May 18th from 2 pm to 4 pm at 11180 E Finch Ave, Middlesex, NC 27557. Parking will be available on-site. Please call us or email us at with any other questions. We hope to see you there!

Interested in learning more about our Middlesex Dentists and our office? Check out our Middlesex Dental office here.

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Giving Back at Lane & Associates

This past Saturday, January 16th our staff at the Cary Green Level office held a Free Dental Outreach Clinic. Lane & Associates strives to give back to the community through these dental outreach services once every quarter if possible. We were so thrilled that patients who attended our clinic were able to receive dental treatment ranging from Dental cleanings to Dental extractions!

Happy patient at Lane and Associates
Happy patient with Dr. Ed Howard on left.

Staff attending this event included our Cary Dentists: Dr. Ed Howard, Dr. Mike DesRosiers, and Dr. Andy Ciesielski, and our Cary Office Manager, Heather Egan. We also had our incredible Dental Assistants & Treatment Coordinators to help during the event, including, Sarah Benore, Jaida Halleran, Kendall Brooke, and Mikayla Egan. Check out photos from the event below!

Dr. Mike DesRosiers helping patients with dental care.


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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we are taking time to recognize the amazing Breast Cancer Awareness organizations that are so supportive of our North Carolina communities. We especially want to note the amazing work that the Kay Yow Cancer Fund and 1 of Us Foundation are attributing and want to highlight some incredible events that you can be involved in this month.


What is the 1 of Us Foundation?

1 of us LogoSince 2010, 1 of Us, founded as 1 in 9, has assisted more than 3,000 patients in cancer treatment. 1 of Us provides direct, non-medical financial assistance in the form of grocery assistance, gasoline or transportation to treatment, rent, utilities, childcare, and more. By partnering with UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill, UNC Rex Hospital in Raleigh, and Vidant Medical Center in Greenville, women with breast and gynecological cancers who need help are identified by their medical teams and supported by 1 of Us.

1 of Us provides assistance that directly impacts the lives of women with breast and other gynecological cancers.

1 of Us Foundation Upcoming Events: 

October 17th from 12 pm – 8 pm is Brueprint Brewing Company’s 1ofUs Fundraiser supporting Women’s Cancers. There will be a Cornhole Tournament, Mobile Mammogram Unit, Live Music, Food Trucks, and Raffle + Door Prizes! See more info on the 1 of Us Facebook page here.

November 7th is their 9th Annual Pink Tie Affair Gala and this year they are going virtual! To join the auction for a chance to bid on amazing prizes like a Cabin Stay in the NC Mountains visit the site here:


What is the Kay Yow Cancer Fund?

The vision of the Kay Yow Cancer Fund is to be the premier non-profit organization dedicated to supporting innovative ways of fighting ALL cancers affecting women and providing support through giving strength, courage, and hope. 

Battling stage IV cancer, Hall of Fame coach, Kay Yow, gave her final and lasting gift — the Kay Yow Cancer Fund. In the 12 years since its inception, the Fund has served as a catalyst, uniting communities in the fight against cancer. 

Since the Fund’s inception, $7.78 million has been awarded to scientific research grants and programs that serve the underserved in the fight against ALL cancers affecting women.

Kay Yow Cancer Fund Upcoming Events: 

Week of October 3rd-October 10th the Le Tour De Femme typically held in Holly Springs, NC will now be a virtual event! This is a virtual biking and cycling event for women to show support through donations and raise cancer awareness. Find out more details on the event here:

Feb 22-27, 2021 is the 5th Annual Kay Yow Celebration (VIRTUAL) Run/Walk! The cost to register is $25/person, which includes a Kay Yow Cancer Fund branded item. We also encourage team fundraising! There will also be incentive prizes awarded for individuals whose fundraising meets incentive levels. All proceeds go to the Kay Yow Cancer Fund for Women’s Cancer research. Register here:

August 2021 – The 12th Annual Kay Yow Cancer Fund Golf Classic will be held in Pinehurst, NC in August of 2021. Be on the lookout for more info here:

How is Lane & Associates giving back during Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

Lane & Associates are proud supporters of the Kay Yow Cancer Fund and the 1 of Us Foundation. This year LAA has donated $50,000 to the Kay Yow Cancer Fund in support of research for ALL women’s cancers and has also given a generous donation to the 1 of Us Foundation for direct support to women battling Breast or Gynecological Cancer. 

Presenting $50,000 Donation to the Kay Yow Cancer Fund at the last Play4Kay event at UNC

To view all of our community support efforts please visit our Community Involvement page here. We hope you have a chance to visit the sites of these amazing organizations and give back during the month of October. 

Last but not least, we also want to give back to our patients and non-profit organizations they are passionate about. Be sure to keep an eye out on this week’s Freebie Friday email to enter for a chance to have LAA donate to your favorite Breast Cancer Awareness Organization in your name! At Lane & Associates Family Dentistry, we love to make you smile.

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Even though many of our offices are temporarily closed, our company is rallying together to give back to our communities during this time of need.

We know many emergency and healthcare systems are remaining open during this time to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and they are continuing to care for other necessary procedures.

In light of this, many of our talented employees have started creating masks for healthcare workers due to the shortages across the world. We have enlisted their help and have started creating kits for each of our employees that they can work on at home during this social distancing period. We are beginning with 870 masks and hope to continue making more! Once the masks are ready, our staff is working with the UNC Health Care system to drop off these masks to those hospitals and medical facilities in need.

girl cutting out cotton pieces of fabric for face masks
Our marketing team creating face mask kits to send to our staff.


LAA staff sewing medical masks
LAA Staff member sewing medical masks.

Lane & Associates loves North Carolina & we hope that our beautiful state can bounce back from this pandemic quickly. If you would like to help by donating masks of your own, please read below!

How to Make a Mask:

Contact us if you are interested in helping our teams by making masks at home with your family. We have a long list of North Carolina medical facilities that are in need of these masks and want to do as much as possible to help. Email us at for more details on drop-off locations and deliveries.

We value & appreciate all of our community healthcare heroes! Thank you for all that you are giving & we hope this small act will help.

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Happy Holidays, From Our Family To Yours!

Our offices will be closed from December 24th through December 29th to celebrate the holidays. We’ll be back and ready to assist you on Monday, December 30th.

We wish you a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!